You’ve picked your headphones up to listen to some music and found that they won’t turn on. Not only this, but when you go to plug them in to charge, the charging light isn’t turning on. This problem becomes increasingly more concerning when they’re an expensive pair of headphones that you’ve invested a lot of money into. The last thing you want is to discard them and fork out another couple hundred dollars on a brand new pair. Luckily, there are some fixes you can try yourself before looking at your other options. Today, we’ll cover the reasons why your headphones won’t charge and how you can go about getting them back up and running again.

Why Your Bluetooth Headphones Won’t Charge

There are various possible reasons why your headphones may not be charging. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common of them.

Headset has a faulty a battery

The batteries inside your wireless headphones degrade over time, with most lasting between two to four years before you start to experience a decrease in performance. This could be at no fault of your own, as all electronic devices have a natural lifespan. This is because, over the years, batteries start to form an internal crystalline buildup. These crystals increase electrical resistance and gradually lower the amount of charge that the battery can hold after some time– usually after around 2-4 years. But, this depends on how much you use your headphones and how you take care of them. But, if you’ve only used them for a few short weeks, then they may have been defective from the start.

The headphones haven’t been charged in a while

Batteries that have been left without a charge for a long time can stop working. This is the result of being ‘over discharged’. Most headphone batteries are Li-Ion (A.K.A. Lithium-Ion) and contain copper components. If you leave your headphones drained for weeks without charging, it can cause the copper to dissolve and result in unwanted chemical reactions. These usually lead to dendrites that can cause a short circuit inside the battery. If a battery has been over discharged, there’s a low chance that the battery can be charged again.

The charging cable is faulty

Charging cables are a necessary companion to your headphones. However, they’re also very weak and liable to damage over time. The delicate wires inside the cable can become faulty with continued use. This is usually the result of constant pulling and twisting which cause tension and damage the wires inside. Luckily, in most cases, they’re very inexpensive to replace and widely available.

There may be a problem with the charging port

Your headphones may not be accepting a charge because the charging port isn’t working correctly. This could be the result of corrosion, faulty connectors, or foreign objects blocking the port. All of these problems can prevent your charging cable from fully connecting with your charging port to transfer the necessary power for charging.

Tips on What to Do When Your Bluetooth Headphones Won’t Charge

Just as there are various possible reasons for why your bluetooth headphones won’t charge, there are also various possible solutions. In fact, some headphone brands require unique ways of addressing this problem. But, before diving into a few brand-specific solutions, here are some general tips that you can try to resolve the problem.

Charge directly to a power outlet and not a USB hub

USB hubs, while useful, can often be insufficient in charging your headphones. This can be the result of a faulty USB hub or because the USB hub can’t provide enough power to charge the headphones enough. Before going further, make sure to try plugging your headphone charger directly to a power outlet.

See if there are any debris in the port

Debris in the charging port can block the proper charging connection. In most cases, cleaning the port is super easy and can be done in no time. All you’ll need is a cloth, some rubbing alcohol, and a can of compressed air. Here’s how you clean your headphones’ charging port:

Try a different charging cable

As mentioned earlier, charging cables house very delicate wires that can break with too much tension. It’s hard to tell if a cable is broken, as a lot of the time the damage is internal. To rule out whether the charging cable is the problem, try charging the headphones with a different cable. If there is visual damage to the cable like exposed wires, you can try repairing the cable yourself. These solutions are super easy, and they can save you a few bucks.

Check if the charging port is loose or damaged

Much like the case of a loose headphone jack, a loose charging port can also result in many frustrating issues. Inspect the charging port of your headphones for any damage like bent connectors or bent metal. Also, make sure that the port itself isn’t loose when you touch it, as this could be a sign that the connectors have detached from the headset.

Keep the headphones connected to the charger for a few hours

If the headphones haven’t been charged for a long time, try keeping them plugged in for a few hours. Even if the battery isn’t fully charged when you take them off, they should have received an adequate enough charge in that time.

Make sure they’re properly seated on the charging stand or case

Some headphones aren’t charged through a cable directly, but instead through a stand or case that has a cable connected to it. If this is the case for you, make sure your headphones are positioned properly so that they can accept a proper charge.

Do a hard reset

Doing a hard reset can solve many problems, including headphones that aren’t charging. The actual process for performing a hard reset can vary from model to model, but you can check out our full guide on how to reset your headphones to get it done without much fuss.

How to Fix Bluetooth Headphones Charging Issues According to Brand

As each pair of headphones is different based on the brand, solutions for each brand will also differ. If you didn’t have any luck with the previous solutions, let’s move onto more targeted solutions for your situation.

For Logitech

Logitech charging issues are commonly caused by a faulty micro USB connector. Over time, the action of plugging in the charging cable and removing it will gradually weaken the 5-pins inside the charging port. Fixing this problem at home can be challenging as it requires the speaker piece to be removed and dismantled. Because of this, it’s recommended that you seek out the services of a professional to avoid further damage. But, if you are confident in fixing the problem yourself, check out this video for instructions on how to do so.

For Beats

Beats headphones use Lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are popular for their high energy density. This means that although they’re small, they can hold a large amount of charge. These batteries have a limited amount of times they can be charged. With time, the more they are charged, the amount of charge the battery can hold is decreased. This means that older headphones are more susceptible to a burned-out battery, which results in the headphones either not holding a charge or not charging at all. To fix this, you can replace the battery inside your headphones. To do so, follow these steps:

For AirPods

AirPods rely on their case for charging. If there is debris blocking the headphones from making contact with the charging pins inside the case, they won’t charge. To remedy this, clean your AirPods regularly. To clean your AirPods and their case properly, follow these steps:

For Bose

If your Bose headphones are having some difficulty charging, there are definitely some solutions you can try to resolve the issue. To begin, try the following steps: If the above steps didn’t work for you, try updating the firmware of the headphones: If neither of the above solutions worked for you, it’s time to take a more hands-on approach and replace the charging port on the headphones. This solution will require some technical skills, and may require the assistance of a professional in order to do this correctly. If you want to give this a try, follow this video guide for an in-depth walkthrough.

For Sony

To fix an issue with your Bluetooth wireless Sony headphones, you can remove the battery and plug it back in. If this doesn’t work, you can move onto replacing the battery entirely. To troubleshoot the battery inside your Sony headphones, try following these steps:

For Jabra

If your Jabra earbuds either won’t charge or cannot hold a charge, it could be an issue with your charging case. Giving the case a reset can resolve the issue for you. To reset the charging case, follow these steps:

For Sennheiser

Sennheiser headphones can occasionally experience a glitch where the LED indicator light may flash or remain on, even after charging. This issue usually subsides over time with multiple charging cycles, so it’s recommended to use your headphones regularly until the light synchronizes with the battery. If the headphones don’t work and will not accept a charge, you can try changing the battery inside the headphones. This can be a fairly technical process, so for an in-depth walkthrough, follow this video guide.

How to Take Care of Your Bluetooth Headphones’ Batteries

To ensure the batteries in your headphones remain healthy, there are proactive steps you can take to extend their lifespan and avoid charging issues.

Avoid overcharging

Believe it or not, keeping your headphones at 100% all the time can actually be bad for their health. In general, headphones only need two to three hours to reach a full charge. Anything outside of this is excessive. As a good rule of thumb, keep the battery percentage within the “magic ratio” of 20% to 80%. Anything above or below this can degrade the lifespan of your battery.

Keep your True Wireless Earbuds in the charging case when not in use

When you’re not using your earbuds, keep them in their case. If they’re just sitting around, this causes unnecessary battery drain. Get into a habit of placing them back in their case when you’re finished with them. This also helps keep them in one place so that you don’t lose either of them.

Keep away from hot or cold temperatures

Although it’s not often given much thought, batteries actually have a preferred temperature for operation. For a battery to perform optimally, it should not be exposed to temperatures higher than 25°C or lower than 0°C. Anything outside of this range can affect how well the battery supplies power to the headphones.

Be gentle on the USB charging cables

If you have a bad habit of yanking the cable from your headphones, it’s time to stop. A good rule to remember is “pull the plug, not the cord”. Pulling from the cord can damage the delicate wires inside the cable itself. And, it can damage the pins inside the charging port if the cable is removed with too much force. Take care of your charging cable and it will last a lot longer. Avoid bending it and putting too much tension on it, and wrap it properly before storing.


Just because your headphones no longer charge doesn’t mean they’re at the end of their life. With a few tweaks and perhaps a new battery, you can breathe new life into your otherwise lifeless headphones. Now that they’re back up and running, you’ll be able to stream music, watch movies, and listen to podcasts just like before. Did any of the solutions in this article work for you? We’d love to hear about your experience! Let us know in the comments below.

What to Do When Bluetooth Headphones Won t Charge  Ultimate Guide  - 30What to Do When Bluetooth Headphones Won t Charge  Ultimate Guide  - 33What to Do When Bluetooth Headphones Won t Charge  Ultimate Guide  - 2